Vacuum cleaner technology designed and tested for powerful suction on all floor types.
The latest Dyson technology. Powerful, versatile deep cleaning for all around your home. Tough yet lightweight design.
Corded upright vacuums for powerful cleaning. With Ball™ technology for manoeuvrability.
Powerful, lightweight and convenient. Quick cleaning around the home and car.
Compact, powerful cleaning with Ball™ technology ,to easily navigate under furniture and around obstacles.
Cleans your home, whether you're there or not. Twice the suction of any other robot vacuum.
Dyson je od zamisli enega človeka zrasel v globalno tehnološko podjetje z preko 3000 patenti za več kot 500 inovacij.
Poiščite najbližjega prodajalca Dysonovih aparatov.
Doživljenjska pomoč in podpora za vse lastnike Dysonovih naprav.
Dyson je iznašel sesalnik brez vrečke. Dandanes 1700 inženirjev tehnologijo izpopolnjuje.